If you are a gadget addict too, you will know the all so familiar feeling of being on the search for the next shiny and new toy that makes you go Ooo, but also stands the test of travel and time.
So here’s what we’ve been freadreeming about, and excited to try out next. If you have got your hands on any of these, let us know what you think. Should they move up the list, or even down? Leave a comment below.
No more charging cables that are forever at the mercy of being pinched, lost, fraying or even being the wrong type! Simple place your phone on the sleek discrete charging pad and charge up.
Loyal to RavPower following the sturdy performance of their portable chargers, glowing reviews, and reasonably priced at GBP 25.99 / USD 40 on Amazon, the wireless charger looks set to be a winner. Note compatible with the latest Apple and Samnug devices from iPhone 8 and Samsumg Galaxy S7 onwards.
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